Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What's in a name?

The term "strong female lead" first came to my attention in a great song by the Cowboy Junkies, "Sun Comes Up It's Tuesday Morning". The singer is musing about the recent change in her relationship status and the bittersweet pleasures of solitude.
"Maybe tonight its a movie
with plenty of room for elbows and knees
a bag of popcorn all to myself,
black and white with a strong female lead
and if I don't like it, no debate, I'll leave"

These lyrics evoked the images of all those great 40's era movies that were called  "women's pictures." They made lots of these films during WW II, largely because the male audience was off fighting the war, and the women were left behind, working in factories and going to the movies. I like to imagine that these ladies were watching Joan and Bette and Barbara and seeing a glimmer of their newly-found autonomy flickering back at them in the theater.

More recently, I have seen "strong female lead" used as a category on Netflix. As near as I can can determine, the definition applied here is a film with a protagonist who is a woman with a tough life who kicks ass and sticks it to the system. It can also include strong female characters who are complex. (Yes, both of these catagories are ridiculously scarce, but that's a whole other post.)
The phrase rings a bell with me for a lot of reasons, and when I decided to start a blog, it was the only name I seriously considered.
 I suppose this blog would fall into the "uncategorized "bin- not specifically about music, politics, cooking, etc. This is what kept me from even starting a blog for so long- I was convinced I wasn't expert enough on anything to talk to others, even about things I was passionately interested in. 
I finally decided to stop being afraid and just jump in. In making that decision, I became the strong female lead in my own life. The single constant element in all my experiences, and the occurrence that has shaped my world view the most, is being a member of the Double X Chromosome Club. So the posts on this blog, no matter what they might be about, will all be filtered through that lady lens. We'll see how that manifests itself. 

1 comment:

  1. Wherever this is taking us, I feel honored to see it happening- an egg hatching, a planet forming...
